Changing Jeykll Theme

I’m not sure if this is entirely normal, but I actually spent several hours last night looking for the perfect theme for my blog. I then reviewed how to change my theme and did so by forking and cloning it to a local repo and then copying and pasting my old posts over, changing the data in the _config.yml file, pushing it back up to my repo and deleting the old one locally. I didn’t really like the theme I was using anymore because of several reasons. It was very limited and didn’t include Disqus comments or Google Analytics although I’m sure I could have figured out how to add it on my own. Also, I found some styling bugs in mobile and just didn’t like the looks of the theme overall. I wanted something minimal, but with a bit larger and eye popping font. I think I achieved all of that with the Beautiful-Jekyll theme.

I also added my Free Code Camp Portfolio project as another page to the blog. I found that in order to do this and bypass the template engine in order to use your own HTML/CSS and not cause conflicts all you have to do is not add the YAML header at the beginning of the HTML file. I then added another button to the portfolio page that links back to the blog and the Flatt Dev logo on the portfolio page links back to the blog. I wanted the portfolio to retain all my original code and not include any of the template layout so as to showcase my own coding skills.

100daysofcode is going great so far, today was day 20. I have as mentioned, completed the FCC portfolio project and am moving on now to learning JavaScript. I downloaded the first book of You Don’t Know Javascript to my Kindle and have read the first chapter so far. I am also going to start a small project I saw on Traversy Media, where he showed how to make a bookmark app that saves bookmarks to local storage, using Vanilla JavaScript.

I also learned how to embed a youtube video into Markdown. And damn, it worked on the first try. That NEVER happens. haha. Here is how you do it, via Google and this website Adam Wade Harris

Sometimes, this stuff really is like magic. Other times, things don’t work and I’m left staring at the code with arms folded, cursing “#(#A))) why isn’t this #))(**(&### working??!!!!!!!!” and after I look at it awhile, and Google, I’m like, “Oh, my bad! I made a mistake. I see what I did. haha Sorry about that bro!” I talk to myself like that! haha Sometimes it’s as simple as missing a semicolon. Other times, it’s as simple as adding a class of img-fluid. Other times I have to really dig into it and figure out what it is I’m not understanding. It’s frustrating as hell, but when it works? Oh man, I feel like the smartest man alive!! haha

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